This is a national, multicenter, cross-sectional, observational study within a convenience sample of Internal Medicine departments from 100 hospitals in Spain which agree to participate in the study. This study will be a cross-sectional chart review which will require the collection of data from medical records and from face-to-face interviews conducted during the inclusion visit. Physician interviews are needed to collect three variables of interest, recommended by the Spanish Society of Internal Medicine as necessary data about profile and management of NVAF patients: cognitive deterioration based on the patient's responses, physician's assessment of the patient's life expectancy, and physician's opinion of the antithrombotic treatment previously prescribed. The investigators will only provide their opinion on previously prescribed therapies (i.e. prescribed before F2F). Hospitals to be contacted for the study include those known to participate in observational studies in Spain; the hospitals will therefore not be a random sample of Spanish hospitals.
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