CC-95775-ST-001 is an open-label, Phase 1B, dose escalation and expansion study of CC-95775 in subjects with advanced or unresectable solid tumors, including laBCC, and relapsed/ refractory non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL). The dose escalation part (Part A) of the study will explore escalating oral doses of CC-95775 administered on a 4d on/24d off schedule to estimate the MTD of CC-95775. A mTPI-2 will help guide CC-95775 dose escalation decisions with the final decisions made by an SRC. Approximately 20 subjects will be enrolled. The expansion cohort (Part B) will evaluate the safety, PK, PD safety and preliminary activity of CC-95775 in advanced solid tumors, including laBCC. Approximately 20 subjects will be enrolled.
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